We've got a great set of resources for you if there are ways we can't serve you. Without reservation, we would recommend any of the content on the following websites:
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod -- As Lutherans, we belong to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Chances are, we're a little different from the Lutheran Churches that you are familiar with. Check out this website, and you can find out a lot more about our Synod and what we believe as Lutherans. Also, if you're looking for daily devotional and prayer resources, this website has some excellent resources:
Bread for Beggars -- Bread for Beggars is a blog of spiritually hungry beggars who have the bread of life and wish to share. The contents of the posts will vary. Some will be devotions written by the bloggers, but most will be devotions, sermons, music and visual arts that have been produced by other Christians. Ultimately, Bread for Beggars wants to share Christ centered devotional media with God’s people who desire to be fed and nourished by him on a daily basis.
What About Jesus -- Who is Jesus? Many people have many different ideas. Just a good man who lived and died? A charismatic man whose followers stretched the truth? A holy man with some connection to the divine? A prophet like Mohammed? The Son of God? This website explores all of these questions and more. It's a great intro to Christianity, and it shows how Christ is at the center of everything we do as a congregation. Check it out!